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The article should include information about the approval of the study by the ethics committee and about informed consent in human and animal research.
2. At the beginning of the first page indicate (with a space between them):
A) © initials and surnames of all authors, separated by comma and a year
(For example: © N.B. Amirov, A.A. Wizel, M.A. Daminova, R.I. Shaimuratov, 2021);
B) UDC code (optional); DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2021.
C) the title (in boldface) must reflect the main content of the paper (Translation into English must be qualified (automated translation (like google translator) is not acceptable).
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E) A structured abstract (it is necessary to highlight: Background, Aim, Material and Methods (indicating the tools of statistical processing), Results, Conclusions) reflecting the main content of the article (150-350 words) (Translation into English must be qualified (automated translation (google translator) is not acceptable). It is not recommended to use abbreviations and conventions in the abstract. The Editorial Board reserves the right to correct the title of the article, abstract and key words sent by the authors in English without agreement with the authors if they contradict the rules of the English language or if the use of terminology is incorrect.
F) keywords, reflecting the content of the article (no more than 6)
G) the structure of the articles includes sections: Background. (with an indication of the aim of the study). Material and methods (with an indication of the methods of statistical processing). Results and discussion. Conclusions. The degree of transparency. Declaration of financial and other relationships. List of references. It is preferred to submit the abstract along with the title of the article and author information in Russian.
3. It is recommended for the article to be accompanied by an official referral from the institution where the authors are employed (Cover Letter), to have a visa of the scientific supervisor (optional), the referral must be stamped by the institution that sends the paper to the journal’s editorial board. If the work is submitted on behalf of several institutions, it is recommended to provide a cover letter from each of them (optional, if there is no conflict of interest between the institutions). The letter must indicate that the article has been checked in the "Anti-Plagiarism" system (the acceptable volume of borrowings is not more than 10%).
4. All articles are being sent for review. The editorial board reserves the right to shorten and edit the submitted articles. It is not acceptable to submit the papers printed or sent for publication in other journals.
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Please e-mail to and the following list of documents:
A. The article typed in Word text editor strictly according to all rules of the journal "The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine".
B. A cover letter from the institution where the author is employed (recommended).
C. Expert opinion (if necessary).
D. Receipt of payment.
E. Certificate that the article has been checked in the "Anti-plagiarism" system (the acceptable volume of borrowing is not more than 10%).
7. Journal Topics: Advanced article. Original research (clinical and theoretical). Reviews. Clinical lectures. Short reports. Health care management. Discussions. Conventions, conferences, symposiums. Practical cases. History of medicine (anniversary and historical dates). Experimental studies in clinical medicine. Clinical case, etc.
8. Articles of up to 6 pages can be considered "Short communications". The articles covering the original experience of the authors in medical practice are as "Practical cases". The recommended volume of the article is 10-15 pages. The volume of reviews, theoretical articles, and clinical lectures should be agreed with the editorial board. The recommended volume of original articles is 15-20 pages.
9. Tables must be clear with a title above the table. The titles must correspond exactly to the content of the columns. Table cannot be a scanned image. Figures must have a number and a title under them. All elements of the figure must remain unshifted when formatted. Scanned photos must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Text: All elements of the article (text, tables, figures, etc.) should be given in full in the corresponding place of the article. It is necessary to reference the tables and figures specifying their numbers in the text.
10. Before the list of references it is necessary to indicate the degree of transparency of the study. Recommended options are:
A) The study was not funded by the sponsor. The authors are solely responsible for submitting the final version of the manuscript for publication.
B) The study was funded by ..... . The name of the company is ..... . The authors are solely responsible for submitting the final version of the manuscript for publication.
C) The research was performed within the framework of the thesis No. ..... (name) approved by the scientific council ..... institution ..... . The research did not have (or had with indication from whom) sponsorship. The authors are solely responsible for submitting the final version of the manuscript for publication.1
2. Provide a declaration of financial and other relationships.
All authors participated/not participated in the conception and design of the study and in the writing of the manuscript. The final version of the manuscript was approved/not approved by all authors. The authors did / did not receive payment for the study.
11. References in the text of the article should be given in square brackets, indicating the number according to the reference list: For example: ...according to [11]...
The references are given at the end of the article in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100-2018. "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules." (for reviews - not more than 50-60, for original articles - not more than 30 and not less than 10-12 sources), in which the authors are listed as cited, indicating DOI.
To create References it is necessary to use Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of article. Title of Journal. 2005; 10 (2): 49-53.
Original research
© NB Amirov, NA Tsibulkin, AA Morozova, O. Mihoparova, OB Oshchepkova 2015
UDC: 615.22
Comparative effectiveness of metabolic therapy in different forms of chronic coronary heart disease
Nail B. Amirov, ORCID ID:; SCOPUS Author ID: 7005357664, D. Med. Sci., professor, Department general medical practice, Kazan State Medical University, 420012 Russia, Kazan, Butlerova Str., 49, e-mail:
Nikolay A. Tsibulkin, ORCID ID:; C. Med. Sci., assistant professor, Department of functional diagnostics, Kazan State Medical Academy, 420012, Russia, Kazan, Mushtari Str., 11
Anastasia A. Morozova, ORCID ID:; therapist, Department of therapy, Bugulma central regional hospital, 423231, Russia, Bugulma, Lenina Str., 96
Olga J. Mihoparova, ORCID ID:; the Head of department of functional diagnostics, MIA Hospital, 420059, Russia, Kazan, Orenburgskiy tract str., 132
Olga B. Oschepkova, ORCID ID:; the Head of department of ophthalmology, MIA Hospital, 420059, Russia, Kazan, Orenburgskiy tract str., 132
Abstract. Background. … Aim. Assessment of metabolic therapy effects in patients with various forms of chronic ischemic heart disease based on trimetazidin study. The assessment of the clinical effect of treatment, influence of treatment on the condition of myocardium and its function, structural parameters of heart, and on dosed physical activity. Material and methods. Patients with the diagnosis confirmed according to clinical, technical and laboratory data, took part in the study. Patient’s characteristics varied from stable angina as an isolated form to its combination with other forms of chronic heart diseases. Research was conducted according to the following protocol. The first inspection included an assessment of clinical symptoms, standard electrocardiography, Holter monitoring, echocardiography under the standard protocol for left ventricle function assessment, and the 6-minute walking test. Frequency of angina attacks, breathlessness, and heart intermittence were assessed. The sizes of heart chambers, thickness of walls and integral function of left ventricle were defined along with arrhythmia, conductivity disorders, symptoms of myocardium ischemia were checked. During treatment control examinations were conducted. Results and discussion. Application of metabolic therapy in complex with standard drug treatment in patients with various forms of chronic ischemic heart disease leads to improvement in various functional indicators. Trimetazidin introduction decreased angina attacks and physical activity breathlessness episodes. The received results confirm validity of inclusion this treatment in complex therapy of patients with chronic ischemic heart disease. Conclusion. We demonstrated that even medium-term metabolic therapy in patients with various forms of chronic ischemic heart disease reduces the symptoms of the disease, improves a functional condition of a myocardium, and increases exercise tolerance.
Key words: metabolic therapy, chronic ischemic heart disease, echocardiography.
For reference: Amirov NB, Tsibulkin NA, Morozova AA, Mihoparova OJ, Oschepkova OB. / Comparative effect of metabolic therapy in different forms of chronic coronary heart disease. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (4): 12-19.DOI: 10/20969/VSKM.2015.8(4).12-19.
It is necessary to highlight: Introduction. The aim of the study. Material and methods (the article should have information about the approval of the study by the ethics committee and informed consent in the study on humans), as well as indicate the methods of statistical analysis. Results and discussion. Conclusion.
Transparency of the study. The study was not funded by sponsors. The authors are solely responsible for submitting the final manuscript to print.
Declaration of Financial and Other Relationships. All authors participated in the conception and design of the study and in the writing of the manuscript. The final version of the manuscript was approved by all authors. The authors did not receive payment for the study.
1. Oganov RG, Maslennikova GJa. Profilaktika serdechno-sosudistyh i drugih neinfekcionnyh zabolevanij – osnova uluchshenija demograficheskoj situacii v Rossii [Prevention of cardiovascular and other noninfectious diseases – a basis of improvement of a demographic situation in Russia]. Kardiovaskuljarnaja terapija i profilaktika [Cardiovascular therapy and prevention]. 2005; 3: 4-9.
2. Metelica VI. Spravochnik po klinicheskoj farmakologii serdechno-sosudistyh sredstv [Reference book on clinical pharmacology of cardiovascular medicines]. M: Medpraktika. 1996; 784 р.
3. Chоukhnin EV, Amirov NB. Heart rate variability, the method and clinical application [The heart rate variability: method and clinical application]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2008; 1 (1): 72-78.
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