

Effect of combination therapy on endothelium and renal function in different stages of chronic kidney disease. Agayev M.M. (Azerbaijan, Baku), Ismayilova Sh.G.(Azerbaijan, Baku), Mamedova I.M. (Azerbaijan, Baku),Novruzova M.S. (Azerbaijan, Baku) P. 7

Problems of diagnosis and the factors of hearing disorders in civil aviation flight crew members. Adeninskaya E.E. (Russia, Moscow), Simonova N.I. (Russia, Klin), Machalov A.S. (Russia, Moscow) P.13

Correlation of anti-microbial peptides levels on urogenital tract microflora in fertile women with pelvic inflammatory diseases. Boshyan R.O. (Russia, Stavropol),Baturin V.A. (Russia, Stavropol) P.19

Clinical features of pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with chronic destructive lung tuberculosis combined with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Ismailzade J.M. (Azerbaijan, Baku), Bayramov R.I.(Azerbaijan, Baku), Gurbanova Z.T. (Azerbaijan, Baku),Kadimova Z.Sh. (Azerbaijan, Baku), Nagieva U.B.(Azerbaijan, Baku), Ibragimov T.G. (Azerbaijan, Baku) P.22

Dynamics of number and volume of surgical operations for the nodular goiter under conditions of providing with iodine sufficiency (1984–1990) and iodine deficiency (1999–2005) periods in Uzbekistan. Karimova M.M.(Uzbekistan, Тashkent), Ismailov S.I. (Uzbekistan, Tashkent) P.29

Pain as isolated symptom in the hypercoagulation syndrome. Levchenko O.K. (Russia, Moscow), Kumskova M.A. (Russia, Moscow), Zozulya N.I. (Russia, Moscow) P.34

Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of patients with obstructive jaundice. Malkov I.S. (Russia, Kazan),Nasrullaev M.N. (Russia, Kazan), Zakirova G.R. (Russia, Kazan), Khamzin I.I. (Russia, Kazan) P.38

Early abilitation and ontogenesis features of sensory systems, cognitive functions, and speech in preterm born children. Nefedyeva D.L. (Russia, Kazan), Belousova M.V. (Russia, Kazan) P.42

Prognostic model of the diagnosis in patients with shortness of breath presumably pulmonary or cardiac origin. Paraeva O.S. (Russia, Barnaul), Martynenko T.I. (Russia, Barnaul), Chernogoryuk G.E. (Russia, Tomsk), Dronov S.V. (Russia, Barnaul) P.49

Association between COPD assessment test (CAT) and pulmonary function tests (body plethysmography and spirometry) findings. Punin D.A. (Russia, Smolensk),Milyagin V.A. (Russia, Smolensk), Ivanova M.A. (Russia, Smolensk) P.54

Health care-associated infections in healthcare workers. Smetanin V.N. (Russia, Ryazan) P.60

Intraoperative histological frozen-section examination of prostate regions adjacent to neurovascular bundle: initial implementation experience during robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. Sokolov E.A. (Russia, Moscow), Veliev E.I. (Russia, Moscow), Paklina O.V.(Russia, Moscow), Knyshinsky G.V. (Russia, Moscow) P.66

Method of laboratory diagnostics of systemic inflammatory reaction. Khalimov E.V. (Russia, Izhevsk),Mikhailov A.Yu. (Russia, Izhevsk), Zhuikova A.A.(Russia, Izhevsk), Davtyan M.B. (Russia, Izhevsk) P.72


Laser therapy in ischemic heart disease treatment.Abdrakhmanova A.I. (Russia, Kazan), Amirov N.B.(Russia, Kazan) P.77


Organization of the system of ensuring and evaluating the quality of medical care under the internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities in Federal State Healthcare Institution «medical sanitary unit of ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan». Naushirvanov O.R. (Russia, Ufa), Nigmatullin R.Kh. (Russia, Ufa), Fazlyev M.M. (Russia, Ufa), Kutuev Z.Z. (Russia, Ufa), Khalikov R.A. (Russia, Ufa), Bulatova G.R. (Russia, Ufa) P.84

Modern legal framework for labour: analysis and perspectives. Shipova V.M. (Russia, Moscow), Berseneva E.A. (Russia, Moscow), Kirillov K.V. (Russia, Moscow), Kudentsova E.A. (Russia, Moscow) P.89


Evaluating the technique of using inhalation device in bronchial asthma patients. The experience of Nizhny Novgorod region. Fedotov V.D. (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod), Milyutina M.Yu. (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod), Raeva T.S. (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod),Klyushina E.A. (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod), Nikolaev D.V. (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod), Shmonin D.O.(Russia, Nizhny Novgorod), Kovalenko V.E. (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod), Kalinina A.A. (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod) P.97


Lung metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma with absence of metastases in regional lymph nodes. Idiatullin R.M. (Russia, Izhevsk), Styazhkina S.N. (Russia, Izhevsk) P.101

Radiation-induced pericarditis after diagnostic radiation exposure. Chepurnenko S.A. (Russia, Rostovon-Don),Shavkuta G.V. (Russia, Rostov-on-Don),Bulgakova N.M. (Russia, Rostov-on-Don), Nasytko A.D. (Russia, Rostov-on-Don) P.105



UDC 616.61-008.64-036.12-085.2/.3

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).7-12


AGAYEV MEKHMAN M., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of therapeutic and pediatric propedeutics of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ 1078, Baku, Mardanov gardashlar str., 100

ISMAYILOVA SHALALA G., assistant of professor of the Department of therapeutic and pediatric propedeutics of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ 1078, Baku, Mardanov gardashlary str., 100, e-mail:

MAMEDOVA IRADA M., PhD, assistant of professor of the Department of therapeutic and pediatric propedeutics of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ 1078, Baku, Mardanov gardashlary str., 100

NOVRUZOVA MANZAR S., PhD, assistant of professor of the Department of therapeutic and pediatric propedeutics of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ 1078, Baku, Mardanov gardashlary str., 100

Abstract. Aim. To study ramipril (ACE inhibitor), atorvastatin (HMG-CoA reductase) and nebivalol (β-adrenoblocker) combined treatment effect on endothelium and kidney functional state in the different stages of CKD. Material and methods. The study involved patients with CKD (Stages 1–4). In our patients, the causes of CKD were as follows: chronic glomerulonephritis; and diabetic nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. Patients were divided into 4 groups based on the level of GFR. In turn, each group, was divided into 2 subgroups depending on the cause of CKD: A – patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and B – type 2 diabetes. During the study, the effect of the combined treatment of ramipril, atorvastatin and nebivalol was studied in all groups. Variation statistics was used to evaluate the renoprotective effect and endothelial function during 3 months treatment. Results and discussion. Starting from stage 2 of CKD, despite a decrease in its level in both subgroups in patients with DM, its decrease was statistically insignificant. Despite the fact that at the 3 stages of CKD in both subgroups reliable results were obtained, at the 4 stages no positive results were achieved in any of the subgroups. Thus, in both subgroups of this group, the level of creatinine did not differ from its level before treatment and remained high. In the 2–3rd stage of CKD, there was an increase in the degree of endothelium-related vasodilation. In the 2A subgroup, this indicator averaged 12%, and in the 3A subgroup it was 10,2%. In subgroup 4A, the treatment performed did not have any effect on the endothelium function. Conclusion. 3-month treatment of patients with an improvement in the functional state of the kidneys, as well as positive changes in the vasodilating reaction of the vascular endothelium.

Key words: endothelial dysfunction, chronic kidney disease, chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy.

For reference: Agayev MM, Ismayilova ShG, Mamedova IM, Novruzova MS. Effect of combination therapy on endothelium and renal function in different stages of chronic kidney disease. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 7-12. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).7-12.


1. Romanovskaya GA, Akatova EV, Gorohovskaya GN. Perspektivy medikamentoznogo lecheniya endotelial’noj disfunkcii. [Prospects for medical treatment of endothelial dysfunction]. Farmateka [Pharmateca]. 2005; 9: 31-37.
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3. Galyavich AS. Sovremennaya farmakoterapiya pacientov s arterial’noj gipertenziej i vysokim riskom serdechnososudistyh oslozhnenij: v fokuse ingibitory angiotenzinprevrashchayushchego fermenta [Modern pharmacotherapy of patients with arterial hypertension and high risk of cardiovascular complications: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are in focus]. Medicinskij sovet [ Medical Council]. 2012; 12: 10-17.
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UDC 616.28-008.1-057:613.693

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).12-18


ADENINSKAYA ELENA E., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7483-3855; C. Med. Sci., Head of the research center of occupational medicine and industrial hygiene of Central Clinical Hospital of Civil Aviation, Russia, 125367, Moscow, Ivankovsk highway, 7, e-mail:

SIMONOVA NADEZHDA I., D. Med. Sci., professor, Director of the Department for science of Klin Institute of Occupational Safety and Working Conditions, Russia, 141607, Klin, Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky str., 6, e-mail:
MACHALOV ANTON S., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5706-7893; C. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of clinical research audiology, hearing and hearing rehabilitation of Research and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology FMBA of Russia, Russia, 123182, Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 30, build. 2, e-mail:

Abstract. The purpose of the study is the scientific substantiation of algorithms for diagnosis and examination of hearing impairment in members of flight crews of civil aviation, considering the factors of their formation. Material and methods. A prospective study was conducted in a retrospectively formed cohort using modern audiological, clinical, socio-hygienic and statistical methods. The object of the study was the state of auditory function and health of members of flight crews of civil aviation – men (n=2224 people). Results and its discussion. It is shown that in 70% of the examined pilots the actual hearing thresholds do not correspond to the clinical form of hearing loss and fit into the range of normal values. Hearing impairment in other pilots in most cases do not go beyond the parameters of the first degree of hearing loss. It is established that aircraft noise causes an increase in the hearing thresholds at frequencies of 3 and 4 kHz, and the dependence occurs at a noise level of not less than 80 dBA and increases with its increase. Hearing thresholds at frequencies 3 and 4 kHz do not depend on the duration of the flight time, and at frequencies 1, 2, 6 and 8 kHz – on aircraft noise. Conclusion. The prospects of the use of objective methods for assessing the state of hearing of workers at working age are proved and the criteria for their application are substantiated.

Key words: noise-induced permanent threshold shifts, age-related hearing loss, noise induced hearing loss.

For reference: Adeninskaya EE, Simonova NI, Machalov AS. Problems of diagnosis and the factors of hearing disorders in civil aviation flight crew members. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 12-18. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).12-18.


1. Lie A, Skogstad M, Johannessen HA, et al. Occupational noise exposure and hearing: a systematic review. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2016; 89: 351-372.
2. Adeninskaya YeYe. Nauchnoye obosnovaniye i razrabotka modeli meditsinskogo nablyudeniya za rabotnikami, zanyatymi v usloviyakh vozdeystviya shuma [Scientific substantiation and development of a model for medical observation of workers employed in conditions of exposure to noise]. Moskva: Nauchno-issledovatel’skiy institut meditsiny truda RAMN [Moscow: State Institution Research Institute of Occupational Medicine RAMS]. 2013; 216 p.
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6. Buhtijarov IV, Bushmanov AJu, Adeninskaya EE. Federal’nye klinicheskie rekomendacii po diagnostike, lecheniju i profilaktike poteri sluha, vyzvannoj shumom [Federal clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hearing loss caused by noise]. Medicina truda i promyshlennaja jekologija [Occupational medicine and industrial ecology]. 2016; 3: 37-48.
7. Adeninskaya YeYe. Problemy diagnostiki i faktory formirovaniya narusheniy slukha u chlenov letnykh ekipazhey grazhdanskoy aviatsii [Diagnostic problems and the formation factors of hearing impairment in members of flight crews of civil aviation]. Moskva: Nauchnoklinicheskiy tsentr otorinolaringologii Federal’nogo mediko-biologicheskogo agentstva [Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific-Clinical Center for Otorhinolaryngology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency]. 2018; 330 p.


UDC 618.13-002-008.87-07:616.153.96-074

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).18-22


BOSHYAN ROBERTA O., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7707-0005; obstetrician-gynecologist of Center for Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, LLC, postgraduate student of the Department of clinical pharmacology with a course of additional postgraduate education of Stavropol State Medical University, Russia, 355020, Stavropol, Mir str., 310, tel. 8(962)459-80-90, e-mail:

BATURIN ALEKSANDER V., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6013-6944; D. Med. Sci, professor, Head of the Department of clinical pharmacology with a course of additional postgraduate education of Stavropol State Medical University, Russia, 355020, Stavropol, Mir str., 310, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate urogenital tract pathogenic microflora-dependent expression of α- and β-defensin-1 in women with pelvic inflammatory diseases. Material and methods. 120 fertile women with pelvic inflammatory diseases were investigated. The levels of α-defensin-1 (DEFa1) and β-defensin-1 (DEFb1) in the blood serum of patients were quantified. Enzyme immunoassay kits (Cloud-Clone Corporation, USA) were used. Exclusion criteria were gonorrheal and herpetic cervicitis. Results and discussion. Blood levels of α-defensin-1 (R. Craddock, J. Huang, E. Jackson) in patients with isolated pathogens (Enterococcus faecalis, Candida spp., Ureaplasma spp.,Chlamydia trachomatis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Enterobacteriaceae) were low, although exceeding normal values. The level of β-defensin-1 was high at the same time. The concentration of α-defensin-1 was higher in women with prevailing microbial associations in the microflora. The level of β-defensin-1(J. Schneider, A. Unholzer, M. Schaller, M. Schäfer-Korting, H. Korting) was lower normal values. Conclusion. In patients with a predominantly conditionally pathogenic flora of the urogenital tract, blood levels of α-defensin-1 were high (44,6 [39,2–49,6] ng/ml). The expression of β-defensin-1 (DEFb1) was relatively low (27,2 [22,3–32,1] ng/ml), although it exceeded normal values. The prevalence of pathogenic microorganisms was represented by a low content of α-defensin-1 (31,9 [27,8–37,2] ng/ml) and high β-defensin-1 (44,2 [39,7–49,4] ng/ml).

Key words: pelvic inflammatory diseases, microbial associations, α-defensin, β-defensin.

For reference: Boshyan R, Baturin V. Correlation of anti-microbial peptides levels on urogenital tract microflora in fertile women with pelvic inflammatory diseases. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 18-22. DOI:10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).18-22.


1. Serov VN, Sukhikh GT. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya; Klinicheskie recomendacii [Obstetrics and gynecology; Clinical guidelines]. Moskva [Moscow]: GEOTAR-Media. 2014; 4: 1011 p.
2. Serov VN, Dubnitskaya LV, Tyutyunnik VL. Vospalitelnye zabolevaniya organov malogo taza: diagnosticheskie kriterii i princhipy lecheniya [Pelvic inflammatory diseases: diagnostic criteria and treatment principles]. Rossiyskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Russian medical journal]. 2011; 19: 46-50.
3. Dikke GB. Polimikrobnye associacii v etiologii vospalitelnyh zabolevanii polovyh organov u genshchin [Polymicrobial associations in the etiology of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women]. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya [Obstetrics and Gynecology]. 2017; 6: 151-158.
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6. Pitirimova LN, Zagorodneva EA, Gumilevsky BYu. Osobennosti allelnogo polymorfizma genov interleikinov i citokinovyi balans genshchin s nevynashivaniemberemennosti [Features of allelic polymorphism of genes of interleukins and cytokine balance of women with miscarriages]. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya [Obstetrics and gynecology]. 2014; 3: 33-38.
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UDC 616.131-008.331.1:616.24-002.52:616.24-036.12

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).22-28


ISMAILZADE JEYKHUN M., PhD, associate professor, deputy Head of the Department оf lung diseases of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ1118, Baku, E. Suleymanov str., 2514th quarter, tel. +9(945)039-975-76, e-mail:

BAYRAMOV RAFIK I., PhD, associate professor, Head of the Department of lung diseases of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ1118, Baku, E. Suleymanov str., 2514th quarter, tel. +9(945)036-203-62, e-mail:

GURBANOVA ZEYNAB T., assistant of professor of the Department of lung diseases of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ1118, Baku, E. Suleymanov str., 2514th quarte, e-mail:

KADIMOVA ZULFU SH., assistant of professor of the Department of lung diseases of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ1118, Baku, E. Suleymanov str., 2514th quarter, e-mail:

NAGIEVA URFANA B., assistant of professor of the Department of lung diseases of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, AZ1118, Baku, E. Suleymanov str., 2514th quarter, e-mail:

IBRAGIMOV TABIB G., PhD, physician of TB Hospital No 4, Azerbaijan, Baku, M. Sharifli str., tel. +99(450)351-26-96, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To examine the role of NT-pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) interleykin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and C-reactive protein (CRP) as predictors for identification and severity of PAH in patients with CDLT+COPD. Material and methods. Using diagnostic-based approaches included immunochemistry, high-resolution computed tomography (HR-CT) Doppler echocardiography (Doppler-Eco) we characterized the biomarkers directly identifying the risk for development of PAH in patients with chronic lung tuberculosis, detection of cellular immune response. The risk for development of PAH in patients was learned by assessing of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α) and proinflammatory peptides (CRP, NT-pro BNP). Depends on volume of irreversible morphological changes related lung tuberculosis all patients were divided in two groups: 1) 26 patients with CDLT+COPD and with PAH, 2) 25 patients with CDLT+COPD without PAH, 12 practically healthy individuals served as controls. All patients have been admitted to the Departments of Medical University. Results and discussion. Our data reveal that proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α) and proinflammatory peptides (CRP, NT-pro BNP) may play role as predictors for assessment of development severity of PAH in patients with CDTL and COPD. Our study also shown that the high level of proinflammatory cytokines and peptides were associated with more severe PAH in patients. In CDLT+COPD, lung parenchyma, bronchi vessels is involved in complex processes coupling the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems. Conclusions. Chronic lung inflammation with elevation of the level proinflammatory cytokines and peptides have critical contribution of lung parenchyma, bronchi and vessels remodeling and the fringe of nonreversible morphological changes in the lung at PAH in CDLT+COPD.

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic destructive lung tuberculosis, pulmonary arterial hypertension, cellular immune response, diaskintest, proinflammatory cytokines and peptides.

For reference: Ismailzade JM, Bayramov RI, Gurbanova ZT, Kadimova ZSh, Nagiyeva UB, Ibragimov TG. Clinical features of pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with chronic destructive lung tuberculosis combined with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 22-28. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).22-28.


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11. O’Shaughnessy TC, Ansavi TW, Barnes NC, Jeffery PK. Inflammation in bronchial biopsies of subjects with chronic bronchitis: inverse relationship of CD 8+ T lymphocytes with FEV1. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1997; 155: 852-857.
12. Kamazawa A, Asai K, Nonuva S. Vascular endothelial growth factor as a noninvasive marker of pulmonary vascular remodeling in patients with bronchitis – type of COPD. Respir Res. 2007; 8: 22.
13. Rahagi FN, Van Beek EJ, Washko GR. Cardiopulmonary coupling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the role of imaging. J Thorac imaging. 2014; 29: 80-91.


UDC 616.441-006.5-089.87(575.1)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).28-33


KARIMOVA MUKIMA M., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7528-6400; postgraduate student of the Department of endocrinology with pediatric endocrinology of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan, Тashkent, Bоgishamol str., 223; endocrinologist of the Fargona Valley Dispanser, Uzbekistan, 151111, Margilan city, Eshanguzar str., 130A, e-mail:

ISMAILOV SAID I., SCOPUS ID: 57200910444; D. Med.Sci., professor, Head of the Department of endocrinology with pediatric endocrinology of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan, 100140, Tashkent, Bogishamol str., 223, tel. +99(871)260-31-26, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim: to study dynamics of quantity and volume of the surgical operations for nodular goiter performed in iodine sufficiency (1984–1990) and iodine deficiency (1999–2005) periods in Uzbekistan. Material and methodspresented by 4256 patient charts underwent surgery due to nodular goiter from 1984 to 2005 in the Scientific Research Institute of Endocrinology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The number and character (volume) of surgical intervention at the nodular goiter were analyzed retrospectively. Results and discussion. The number ofsurgeries in iodine sufficiency years (1984–1990) were lower. The numbers of more radical and aggressive surgeries on the thyroid gland in NG increased sharply in years of iodine deficiency comparing within the years of iodine sufficiency: hemithyroidectomy from 13 patients to 163, total thyroidectomy from 7 to 90. The number of economic resections of the thyroid gland changed comparatively less (from 27 to 35) due to increase of multinodular goiters required more radical operations. In the years of iodine deficiency, the subtotal and total thyroidectomy began to prevail due to increase in number of carcinoma of the thyroid gland: the number of papillary carcinoma from 44 to 135, medullary from 9 to 65 and anaplastic carcinoma appeared from 0 to 39 cases. Conclusion. The number of nodular and multinodular types ofthe goiter increased in iodine deficiency period (1999–2005). Moreover, malignant forms of the nodular goiter sharply grew, that required more radical surgical interventions on the thyroid gland.

Key words: thyroid, nodular goiter, providing with iodine, iodine deficiency, carcinoma.

For reference: Karimova MM, Ismailov SI. Dynamics of number and volume of surgical operations for the nodular goiter under conditions of providing with iodine sufficiency (1984-1990) and iodine deficiency (1999-2005) periods in Uzbekistan. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 28-33. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).28-33.


1. Ismailov SI, Rashitov MM, Alimdzhanov NA, Karimova MM, Kayumova NL, Khamidov FSh. Prostoy uzlovoy zob, diagnostika i lecheniye [Simple nodular goiter, diagnosis and treatment]. Tashkent: TPMI [Tashkent: TPMI]. 2007; 30 p.
2. Dedov II, Troshina YeA, Yushkov PV, Aleksandrova GA. Diagnostika i lecheniye uzlovogo zoba [Diagnosis and treatment of nodular goiter]. Petrozavodsk: IntelTek [Petrozavodsk: IntelTech]. 2003; 64 p.
3. Zayrat’yants OV. Epidemiologiya i etiologicheskaya struktura uzlovogo zoba po dannym autopsiy Moskovskiy gorodskoy Tsentr patologoanatomicheskikh issledovaniy [pidemiology and etiological structure of nodular goiter according to autopsy Moscow City Center for Pathological Research]. Tironet [Tyrone]. 2002; 5-6. http://thyronet. Epidemiologiya_i_etiologicheskaya_struktura_uzlovogo_ zoba_po_dannym_autopsii.html
4. Dedov II, Mel’nichenko GA, Fadeyev VV, et al. Klinicheskiye rekomendatsii Rossiyskoy Assotsiatsii Endokrinologov (RAE) po diagnostike i lecheniyu uzlovogo zoba [Clinical recommendations of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists (RAE) for the diagnosis and treatment of nodular goiter]. Tironet [Tyrone]. 2004; 1-2. http://thyronet. Klinicheskie_rekomendacii_Rossiiskoi_Associacii_Endokrinologov_po_diagnostike_i_lecheniyu_uzlovogo_ zoba.html
5. Laszlo Hegedüs et al. Management of Simple Nodular Goiter: Current Status and Future Perspectives. Endocrine Reviews. 2000; 24 (1): 102-132.
6. Bonnema SJ, Bennedbæk FN, Ladenson PW, Hegedüs LJ. Management of the nontoxic multinodular goiter: a North American survey. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002; 87: 112–117.
7. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Laurberg P, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Jоrgensen T. Alcohol consumption is associated with reduced prevalence of goitre and solitary thyroid nodules. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2001; 55: 41–46.
8. Knudsen N, Perrild H, Christiansen E, Rasmussen S, DigePetersen H, Jоrgensen T. Thyroid structure and size and two-year follow-up of solitary cold thyroid nodules in an unselected population with borderline iodine deficiency. Eur J Endocrinol. 2000; 142: 224–230.
9. Hegedüs L. Clinical practice. The thyroid nodule. N Engl J Med. 2004; 351: 1764-1771.
10. Ross DS. Diagnostic approach to and treatment of thyroid nodules. In: Rose BD, ed. MA: UpToDate. 2008; 21 p.
11. Gharib H, Papini E. Thyroid nodules: Clinical importance, assessment, and treatment. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2007; 36: 707-735.
12. Punales MK, da Rocha AP, Meotti C, Gross JL, Maia AL. Clinical and oncological features of children and young adults with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A. Thyroid.
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13. Rosenbaum MA, McHenry CR. Contemporary management of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2009; 9: 317-329.
14. Gough J, Scott-Coombes D, Fausto Palazzo F. Thyroid incidentaloma: An evidence-based assessment of management strategy. World J Surg. 2008; 32: 1264-1268.
15. Papini E. The dilemma of non-palpable thyroid nodules. J Endocrinol Invest. 2003; 26: 3-4.
16. Papini E, Guglielmi R, Bianchini A, et al. Risk of malig-nancy in nonpalpable thyroid nodules: Predictive value of ultrasound and color-Doppler features. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002; 87: 1941-1946.
17. Boelaert K, Horacek J, Holder RL, Watkinson JC, Sheppard MC, Franklyn JA. Serum thyrotropin concentration as a novel predictor of malignancy in thyroid nodules investigated by fine-needle aspiration. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006; 91: 4295-4301.
18. Yano Y, Shibuya H, Kitagawa W, et al. Recent outcome of Graves’ disease patients with papillary thyroid cancer. Eur J Endocrinol. 2007; 157: 325-329.
19. Shetty SK, Maher MM, Hahn PF, Halpern EF, Aquino SL. Significance of incidental thyroid lesions detected on CT: Correlation among CT, sonography, and pathology. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2006; 187: 1349-1356.
20. Razek AA, Sadek AG, Kombar OR, Elmahdy TE, Nada N. Role of apparent diffusion coefficient values in differentiation between malignant and benign solitary thyroid nodules. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2008; 29: 563-568.


UDC 616.151.511-06:616-009.7

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).33-37


LEVCHENKO OLGA K., С. Med. Sci., senior researcher of the Department of resuscitation and intensive care of NMIC Hematology, Russia, 125167, Moscow, Novyi Zykovsky passage, 4, tel. 8-926-816-38-87,

KUMSKOVA MARIA A., hematologist of the Department of coagulopathy of NMIC Hematology, Russia, 125167, Moscow, Novyi Zykovsky passage, 4

ZOZULYA NADEZHDA I., D. Med. Sci., hematologist, Head of the Department of coagulopathies of NMIC Hematology, Russia, 125167, Moscow, Novyi Zykovsky passage, 4

Abstract. Many patients with complaints on cephalgia and pain in the calf muscles are unsuccessfully observed. This leads to significant economic and social burden and reduces the quality of life. Aim. To study the prevalence and features of pain in hypercoagulable syndrome, to determine the role of genetic factors of thrombophilia in the development of pain, as well as treatment options. Material and methods. The study included 150 patients with hypercoagulable states that were observed in the National Research Center for Hematology (Moscow, Russian Federation) in 2017. The selection of documentation was made using the sampling method. Results and discussion. About 19% (n=29) of patients with thrombophilia had pain. When studying gender characteristics, it was found that pain was more common in women – 83% (n=24). The average age was (37,0±10,3) years. The most common symptom was headache – 62%, gastrocnemius muscular pain – 24%, combined (both localization) – 7%, patients with pain presented as itching, burning, and tingling were also observed. High titers of antibodies to phospholipids (antibodies to cardiolipin and β2-glycoprotein) were detected in 41% of patients with thrombophilia presented with pain. Therapy in pain syndrome patients with hypercoagulable states included the following drugs: anticoagulants (sulodexide, enoxaparin sodium, dabigatran, rivaroxaban) – 76%, folic acid drugs – 28%, antiplatelet agents – 12%, intravenous immunoglobulins – 8%. Conclusion. The relationshipof genetic polymorphisms of components of hemostasis system and pain syndrome was shown. It seems appropriate to exclude GCC in patients with «unexplained» cephalgias and pain in caviar muscles.

Key words: hypercoagulable syndrome, thrombophilia, hyperhomocysteinemia, antiphospholipid syndrome, pain.

For reference: Levchenko OK, Kumskova MA, Zozulya NI. Pain as isolated symptom in the hypercoagulation syndrome. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 33-37. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).33-37.


1. Vorob’ev AI, Vasil’ev SA, Gorodeckij VM, SHevelev AA, Gorgidze LA, Kremeneckaya OS, SHklovskij-Kordi NЕ. Giperkoagulyacionnyj sindrom: klassifikaciya, patogenez, diagnostika, terapiya [Hypercoagulative syndrome: classification, pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy]. Gematologiya i transfuziologiya [Hematology and transfusiology]. 2016; 3: 116-122.
2. Salvagno GL, Pavan C, Lippi G. Rare thrombophilic conditions. Ann Transl Med. 2018; 6(17):342.
3. Momot AP, Cyvkina LP, Taranenko IA, t al. [Sovremennye metody raspoznavaniya sostoyaniya tromboticheskoj gotovnosti]. Modern methods of recognition of the state of thrombotic readiness. Barnaul: AGU [Barnaul: ASU]. 2011; 138 p.
4. Tadtaeva ZG, Skoromec AA, Kacadze YuL. Geneticheskie polimorfizmy sistemy gemostaza pri migreni s auroj u detej [Genetic polymorphisms of the hemostatic system in migraine with aura in children]. Uchenye zapiski SPb-GMU imeni IP Pavlova [Scientific notes SPbGMU them IP Pavlova]. 2009; 2: 48-51.
5. Van Stralen KJ, Rosendaal FR, Doggen CJM. Minor Injuries as a Risk Factor for Venous Thrombosis. Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168 (1): 21–26.6. Momot AP. Problema trombofilii v klinicheskoj praktike [The problem of thrombophilia in clinical practice]. Rosssijskij zhurnal detskoj gematologii i onkologii [Russian Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology]. 2015; 2 (1): 36-48.
7. Ahmad A. Genetics of cerebral venous thrombosis. J Pak Med Assoc. 2006; 56 (11): 488-90.
8. Pai N, Ghosh K, Shetty S. Hereditary thrombophilia in cerebral venous thrombosis: a study from India. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2013; 24 (5): 540-543.
9. Tadtaeva ZG, Dzanagova PO. Molekulyarnaya genetika migreni [Molecular genetics of migraine]. Roscijskij nejro-hirurgicheskij zhurnal [Russian Neurosurgical]. 2012; 4: 394.
10. Marcus J, Sarnak MJ, Menon V. Homocysteine lowering and cardiovascular disease risk: lost in translation. Can J Cardiol. 2007; 23 (9):707-710.
11. Tadtaeva ZG. Gipergomocisteinemiya (GGc) pri migreni u detej (obzor) [Hyperhomocysteinemia (GHz) in children with migraine (review)]. Zdorov’ye – osnova chelovecheskogo potentsiala: problemy i puti ikh resheniya [Health is the basis of human potential: problems and their solutions]. 2012; 2: 721-730.
12. Tietjen GE, Al-Qasmi MM, Athanas K, Utley C, Herial NA. Altered hemostasis in migraineurs studied with a dynamic flow system. Thromb Res. 2007; 119 (2): 217-222.
13. Bianchi A, Salomone S, Caraci F, Pizza V, Bernardini R, D’Amato CC. Role of magnesium, coenzyme Q10, riboflavin, and vitamin B12 in migraine prophylaxis. Vitam Horm. 2004; 69: 297-312.
14. Reshetnyak TM ed. Klinicheskie rekomendacii po lecheniyu antifosfolipidnogo sindroma. [Clinical recommendations for the treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome]. Obshcherossijskaya obshchestvennaya organizaciya «Associaciya revmatologov Rossii» [All-Russian public organization «Association of Rheumatology of Russia»]. Moscow; 2013: upload/%D0%90%D0%A4%D0%A1.pdf


UDC 616.36-008.5-072.1

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).37-41


MALKOV IGOR S., D. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of surgery of Kazan State Medical Academy – branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Mushtari str., 11

NASRULLAEV MAGOMED N., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of surgery of Kazan State Medical Academy – branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Mushtari str., 11

ZAKIROVA GUZАLIA R., D. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of surgery of Kazan State Medical Academy – branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Mushtari str., 11

KHAMZIN ILDAR I., Head of the Department endoscopy of City Clinical Hospital No 7, Russia, 420103, Kazan, Marshal Chuikov str., 54

Abstract. Aim. To improve the treatment of patients with mechanical jaundice by applying endoscopic treatments.Material and methods. We analyzed the results of treatment of 725 patients with mechanical jaundice of tumor and non-tumor genesis, received surgical treatment in City Clinical Hospital No 7 in Kazan from 2017 to September 2019. Results and discussion. We executed transpapillary endoscopic interventions: an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in 588 (29,56%) cases, a «typical» endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST) in 486 (24,43%), a lithoextraction, including balloon in 353 (17,75%), a lithotripsy in 66 (3,32%), transpapillary endoprosthesis choledoch replacement 147 (7,39%), transpapillary endoprosthesis replacement of a pancreatic channel 40 (2,01%), an intraoperative choledochoskopy 25 (1,26%), audit of the choledoch 143 (7,19%). Bile tract decompression, carried out in the next 2–3 days from the moment of patient admission, was in some cases the final method of treatment. The operative intervention as the second stage of treatment was carried out as the jaundice was resolved and favourable conditions occurred. It has been found that the use of endoscopic methods to decompress the biliary system allows improving the results of treatment. Our observations of patients of mechanical jaundice of tumor and non-tumor genesis with different degree of hepatic insufficiency make it possible to note that the priority and most important link of complex treatment of this group is the earliest decompression of bile ways one of minimally invasive methods of decompression, including endoscopic papillotomy and stenting of bile ways. Conclusion. Endoscopic transpapillary interventions are effective methods for the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical jaundice. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic papillosphincterotomy are the final treatments in patients with mechanical jaundice elderly and senile with severe concomitant pathology. Transpapillary prosthetics are an effective minimally invasive intervention that is applied as a temporary (benign and malignant lesions of the organs of the hepatopancreatoduodenal zone), or a permanent (inoperable tumors of the organs of the hepatopancreatoduodenal zone) recovery of bile outflow into the duodenum.

Key words: obstructive jaundice, endoscopic interventions, lithoextraction, lithotripsy.

For reference: Malkov IS, Nasrullaev MN, Zakirova GR, Khamzin II. Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of patients with obstructive jaundice. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 37-41. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).37-41.


1. Vetshev PS. Mekhanicheskaya zheltukha: prichiny i diagnosticheskiye podkhody (lektsiya) [Mechanical jaundice: causes and diagnostic approaches (lecture)]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii [Annals of surgical hepatology]. 2011; 16 (3): 50-57.
2. Galperin EI, Vetshev PS. Rukovodstvo po khirurgii zhelchnykh putey [A guide to biliary tract surgery]. Moskva: Vidar-M [Moscow: Vidar-M]. 2009; 568 p.
3. Williams EJ, Taylor S, Fairclough P, et al. Risk factors for com plication following ERCP; results of a large-scale, prospective multicenter study. Endoscopy. 2007; 39 (9): 793-801.
4. Akhaladze GG. Pаtоgеnеtechеskiе аspеkty gnоinоgо hоlаngita, pochemu net sistemnoy vospalitelnoy reaktsii pri mekhanicheskoy zheltukhe? [Pathogenetic aspects of purulent cholangitis, why there is no systemic inflammatory reaction in mechanical jaundice]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii [Annals of surgical hepatology]. 2009; 14 (2): 9-15.
5. Pautkin YuF, Klimov АЕ. Mekhanicheskaya neprokhodimost zhelchnykh putey (mekhanicheskaya zheltukha) [Mechanical obstruction of the biliary tract (mechanical jaundice)]. Moskva: Profil [Moscow: Profile]. 2010; 224 p.
6. Malkov IS, Shaymardanov RSh, Korobkov VN, Filippov VА. Metody intensivnoy terapii v lechenii pechenochnoy nedostatochnosti pri mekhanicheskoy zheltukhe [Intensive therapy in the treatment of hepatic insufficiency with mechanical jaundice]. Kazan: Materialy Respublikanskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Mekhanicheskaya zheltukha – aktualnaya problema abdominalnoy khirurgii [Kazan: Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference «Mechanical jaundice – an urgent problem of abdominal surgery»]. 2014; 23-28.
7. Malkov IS, Shaymardanov RSh, Korobkov VN, Filippov VА. Infuzionnaya terapiya pri mekhanicheskoy zheltukhe [Infusion therapy with mechanical jaundice]. Kazan: Materialy Respublikanskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Mekhanicheskaya zheltukha – aktualnaya problema abdominalnoy khirurgii [Kazan: Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference «Mechanical jaundice – an urgent problem of abdominal surgery»]. 2014; 21-23.
8. Malkov IS. Izbrannyye razdely neotlozhnoy abdominalnoy khirurgii [Selected sections of emergency abdominal surgery]. Izdatel’stvo kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Publishing House of Kazan State Technological University]. 2013; 408 p.
9. Bekbauov SA, Glebov KG, Kotovsky АЕ. Endoskopicheskiye transpapillyarnyye vmeshatelstva v lechenii bolnykh s sindromom mekhanicheskoy zheltukhi [Endoscopic transpapillary interventions in the treatment of patients with mechanical jaundice syndrome]. Endoskopichskaya khirurgiya [Endoscopic surgery]. 2013; 4: 36–39.
10. Glebov KG, Kotovsky АЕ, Dyuzheva TG. Kriterii vybora konstruktsii endoproteza dlya endoskopicheskogo stentirovaniya zhelchnykh protokov [Criteria for selecting the endoprosthesis design for endoscopic stenting of the bile ducts]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii [Annals of surgical hepatology]. 2014; 19 (2): 55-65.
11. Glebov KG, Dyuzheva TG, Petrova NА, Bekbauov SA, Kotovsky АЕ. Endoskopicheskoye transpapillyarnoye stentirovaniye zhelchnykh protokov metallicheskimi samoraskryvayushchimisya endoprotezami [Endoscopic transpastillation of the bile ducts by metal self-opening endoprostheses]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii [Annals of surgical hepatology]. 2012; 17 (3): 65–74.
12. Kotovsky АЕ, Urzhumtseva GА, Glebov KG, Petrova NА. Endoskopicheskiye tekhnologii v lechenii zabolevaniy organov gepatopankreatoduodenalnoy zony [Endoscopic technologies in the treatment of diseases of the hepatopan-creatoduodenal zone]. Annaly khirurgicheskoy gepatologii [Annals of surgical hepatology]. 2010; 15 (1): 9–21.
13. Deryabina EA, Bratnikova GI, Vasiliev АV, Bratnikova GI, Vasilyev AV. Povysheniye bezopasnosti lechebnykh endoskopicheskikh retrogradnykh kholangiopankreatografiy u bolnykh s dobrokachestvennymi obstruktivnymi zabolevaniyami zhelchevyvodyashchikh putey [Increasing the safety of therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with benign obstructive diseases of the biliary tract]. Meditsinskaya vizualizatsiya [Medical Visualization]. 2010; 2: 73-80.
14. Malkov IS, Zakirova GR, Korobkov VN, Nasrullayev MN. Endoskopicheskiye vmeshatelstva i korrektsiya narusheniy gomeostaza u patsiyentov s mekhanicheskoy zheltukhoy [Endoscopic interventions and correction of homeostatic disorders in patients with mechanical jaundice]. Kazanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Kazan Medical Journal]. 2015; XCVI (3): 444-447.
15. Nasrullayev MN, Zakirova GR, Khamzin II. Vozmozhnosti endoskopicheskikh metodov v optimizatsii lecheniya bolnykh s mekhanicheskoy zheltukhoy [Possibilities of endoscopic methods in optimizing the treatment of patients with mechanical jaundice]. Materialy mezhregionalnoy nauchno – prakticheskoy konferentsii «Aktualnyye voprosy khirurgii» [Materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of surgery»]. 2018; 70-73.
16. Schneider L, Büchler MW, Werner J. Acute pancreatitis with an emphasis on infection. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2010; 24: 921-941.
17. Werner J, Hartwig W, Hackert T, et al. Multidrug strategies are effective in the treatment of severe experimental pancreatitis. Surgery. 2012; 151 (3): 372-381.
18. Chandrashekhara SH, Singh А, Bhatnagar S. Current status of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in palliation of malignant obstructive jaudice: a review. Indian J Palliat Care. 2016; 20 (4): 378-387.
19. Moole H, Bechtold М, Puli SR. Effcacy biliary drainage in malignant obstructive jaundice: a meta-analysis and systematic review. World J SusgOncol. 2016; 14 (1): 182.


UDC 616.8-053.32-036.8

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).41-48


NEFEDYEVA DARYA L., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0609-3178; C. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of rehabilitation of Cildre’s Republic Clinical Hospital; assistant of professor of the Department of rehabilitation and sports medicine of Kazan State Medical Academy – branch of RMACPE, Russia, Kazan, Mushtary str., 11, tel. +7(843)229-06-31, e-mail:

BELOUSOVA MARINA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8804-8118; C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of psychiatry and narcology of Kazan State Medical Academy – branch of RMACPE, Russia, Kazan, Mushtary str., 11, tel. (843)272-41-51, e-mail:

Abstract. The aim of the study was to determine the ontogenesis of sensory systems, speech and cognitive functions in premature born infants of young age. We tried to identify the factors that influence their development. Material and methods. The study is based on data from 133 premature born children. Premature born children were divided into two groups according to body weight at birth. The comparison group were 14 full-term patients. Outpatient monitoring of children by a various of specialists was carried out during the first three years of life. Observation included history, complete clinical and diagnostic neurological examination and, if necessary, abilitation. The development of sensory systems, cognitive functions and speech was assessed using the Psychoneurological Development Card developed by I.A. Skvortsov. Mathematical data processing included methods of variation statistics. Results and discussion:The study confirmed data on the delayed development of sensory, cognitive and speech functions in premature patients. The delay is more pronounced in deeply premature patients. The state of higher mental functions and speech depends on the quality of the afferent information received by the child, the severity of neurological disorders and the course of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Conclusions. The duration of stay on artificial lungs ventilation, the course of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and impaired development of sensory analyzers worsen the prognosis of speech and cognitive functions development in premature born children. Early abilitation, including methods of sensory stimulation, had a positive effect on the development of higher mental functions and speech in ontogenesis.

Key words: premature babies, children with very low and extremely low body mass, habilitation, neurodevelopmental outcome.

For reference: Nefedyeva DL, Belousova MV. Early abilitation and ontogenesis features of sensory systems, cognitive functions, and speech in preterm born children. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 41-48.DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).41-48.


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8. Belousova M, Utkuzova M, Nefedieva D. Ontogenetic conditional technologies of early habilitation of children with perinatal brain pathology. Journal of Development Research. 2018; 08 (10): 23377-23380.
9. Neroeva VV ed. Izbrannye lekcii po detskoj oftal’mologii [Selected Lectures on Pediatric Ophthalmology]. Moskva: GEHOTAR-Media [Mosow: GEOTAR-Media]. 2009; 184 p.
10. Koroleva IV. Kohlearnaya implantaciya gluhih detej i vzroslyh (ehlektrodnoe protezirovanie sluha) [Cochlear implantation of deaf children and adults (electrode prosthetics of hearing)]. SPb: KARO [St Petersburg: KARO]. 2008; 752 p.
11. Skvorcov IA. Nevrologiya razvitiya: rukovodstvo dlya vrachej [Development Neurology: A Guide for Physicians]. Moskva: Litterra [Moscow: Litterra]. 2008; 544 p. 12. Lekskulchai R, Cole J. Effect of a developmental program on motor performance in infants born preterm. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 2001; 47 (3): 169-176.
13. Maitra K, Park HY, Eggenberger J, et al. Difficulty in mental, neuromusculoskeletal, and movement-related scoll functions associated with low birthweght or pretermbirth: a meta-analysis. Am J Occup Ther. 2014; 68: 140-148.
14. Di Rosa G, Cavallaro T, Alibrandi A, et al. Predictive role of early milestones-related psychomotor profiles and long-term neurodevelopmental pitfalls in preterm infants. Early Human Development. 2016; 101: 49-55.
15. Adams-Chapman I, Bann CM, Vaucher YE, Stoll BJ. Association between feeding difficulties and language delay in preterm infants using Bayley scales of infant development – third edition. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2013; 163
(3): 680-685.
16. Capilouto GJ, Cunningham T, Frederick E, et al. Comparison of tongue muscle characteristics of preterm and full term infants during nutritive and nonnutritive sucking. Infant Behavior and Development. 2014; 37 (3): 435-445.
17. Natarajan G, Pappas A, Shankaran S, et al. Outcoms of extremilylow birth weight infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia: impact of the physiologic definition. Early Human Development. 2012; 88: 509-515.
18. Alderliesten T, van Bell F, van der Aa N, et al. Low cerebral oxygenation preterm infants is associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcome. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2019; 207: 109-116.


UDC 616.24-008.47-07


PARAEVA OLGA S., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5919-5098; pulmonologist of the highest category of the Department of pulmonology No 1 of City Clinical Hospital No 5, Russia, 656045, Barnaul, Zmeinogorsk tract, 75,

MARTYNENKO TATIANA I., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Altai Regional Pulmonary Center, deputy Head physician of the City Clinical Hospital No 5; professor of the Department of therapy of Altai State Medical University, Russia, 656045, Barnaul, Zmeinogorsky tract, 75

CHERNOGORYUK GEORGY E., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5780-6660; D. Med. Sci., professor, professor of the Department of hospital therapy with a course of rehabilitation, physiotherapy and sports medicine of Siberian State Medical University, Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Moscovsky tract, 2

DRONOV SERGEY V., PhD, associate professor of the Department of mathematical analysis of Altai State University, Russia, 656049, Barnaul, Lenin av., 61

Abstract. Аim. Сreation of a simple, effective and accessible tool for early verification of dyspnea origin in primary health care with its further use in management and diagnostic. Material and methods. The study consisted of two stages. At stage I, 310 patients with a known diagnosis were included: bronchial asthma (BA) – 104 (33,6%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – 106 (34,2%), chronic heart failure (CHF), not associated with lung disease – 100 (32,3%) patients. There were 175 men (56,5%) and 135 women (43,5%). To create a new tool for the diagnosis of dyspnea was performed using the modified vocabulary dyspnea (MVD), by calculating a predictive discriminant functions with the use of Bayesian statistics. At stage II, the study included 123 patients with shortness of breath, presumably pulmonary or cardiac genesis with an unknown diagnosis. There were 75 men (61,0%) and 48 women (39,0%). Approbation of the developed diagnostic method with determination informativeness indicators was carried out: sensitivity and specificity, which allowed to diagnose BA in 47 (38,2%), COPD – in 46 (37,4%), CHF, not associated with lung disease, – in 30 (24,4%) patients. Results and discussions. At the first stage, a model for calculating the probability of a priori diagnosis (PPD) as a possible cause of shortness of breath was developed. To verify the diagnosis of the patients completed MVD. Clarification of the final (posteriori) diagnosis was carried out in accordance with the national recommendations for the diagnosis of BA, COPD, CHF. At the second stage, a comparison of the frequency of a priori and a posteriori diagnoses was made, which made it possible to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the model for calculating PPD for BA, COPD, CHF, not associated with lung disease, respiratory diseases (RD). Conclusion. The effectiveness of the model calculation of the PPD for the primary differentiation of dyspnea of pulmonary and cardiac pathology demonstrated a high predictive ability in identifying patients with dyspnea of unclear pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases of BA, COPD, CHF and RD.

Key words: shortness of breath chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma (BA), chronic heart failure (CHF).

For reference: Paraeva OS, Martynenko TI, Chernogoryuk GE, Dronov SV. Prognostic model of the diagnosis in patients with shortness of breath presumably pulmonary or cardiac origin. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 48-53. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).48-53.


1. Parshall MB, Schwartzstein RM, Adams L, Banzett RB, Manning HL, Bourbeau J, Calverley PM, Gift AG, Harver A, Lareau SC, Mahler DA, Meek PM, O’Donnell DE. American Thoracic Society Committee on Dyspnea; An official American Thoracic Society statement: update on the mechanisms, assessment, and management of dyspnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012; 185 (4): 435
2. Abrosimov VN. Odyshka [Dyspnoe]; Respiratory medicine [Respiratory medicine]. Moskva [Moscow]: GEOTAR-Media. 2007; 407–418.
3. Sidorenko GI, Komisarova SM. Diskussionnye aspecty v probleme serdechnoy nedostatocynosty [Controversial Aspects problem in heart failure]. Kardiologiya [Cardiology]. 2009; 5: 61-63.
4. Kessler R, Partridge MR, Miravitlles M, et al. Symptom variability in patients with severe COPD: a pan European cross sectional study. Eur Respir J. 2011; 37: 264–272.
5. Miravitlles M, Worth H, Soler Cataluña JJ, et al. Observational study to characterise 24hour COPD symptoms and their relationship with patient reported outcomes: results from the ASSESS study. Respir Res. 2014; 15: 122.
6. Chuchalin AG, Khaltaev NG, Abrosimov VN, Kotlyarov SN, Martynov AV. Ocenka rasprostranennosty respiratornyh simptomov i vozmozhnosty skrininga spirometrii v diagnostike hronicheskih legochnyh zabolevanii
[Assessing the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and the possibility of screening spirometry in the diagnosis of chronic lung disease]. Pulmonologiya [Pulmonology]. 2010; 2: 56–61.
7. Hurst JR, Vestbo J, Anzueto A, et al. Susceptibility to exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. N Engl J Med. 2010; 363: 1128–1138.
8. Nishimura K, Izumi T, Tsukino M, Oga T. Dyspnea is a better predictor of 5 year survival than airway obstruction in patients with COPD. Chest. 2002; 121: 1434–1340.
9. Steer J, Norman EM, Afolabi OA, et al. Dyspnoea severity and pneumonia as predictors of in hospital mortality and early readmission in acute exacerbations of COPD. Thorax. 2012; 67: 117–121.
10. Kroenke K, Arrington ME, Mangelsdorff AD. The prevalence of symptoms in medical outpatients and the adequacy of therapy. Arch Intern Med. 1990; 150: 1685–1689.
11. Avdeev SN. Dyspnoe: mehanizmy, ocenka, terapiya [Dyspnea: mechanisms, assessment, therapy]. Konsilium medikum [Consilium medicum]. 2004; 6 (4): 228-232.
12. Karoli NA, Tsybulina AV, Rebrov AP. Kachestvennayi i kolichestvennaya ocenka odyshki u bolnyh s respiratornymi zabolevaniyami [Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of dyspnea in patients with respiratory diseases]. Dyhanie; Pulmonologiya i otolaringologiya [Breathing; Pulmonology and otolaryngology]. 2013; 3: 4-7.
13. Chikina SYu, Trushenko NV. Kak ponyat «yazyk odyshki»? [How to understand «language of dyspnea?»]. Atmosphera; Pulmonologiya i allergologiya [Atmosphere; Pulmonology and Allergology]. 2012; 4: 35-37.
14. Simon PM, Schwartzstein RM, Weiss JW, et al. Distinguishable types of dyspnea in patients with shortness of breath. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1990; 142: 1009–1014.
15. Martynenko TI, Paraeva OS, Dronov SV, Shoykhet YN. Yazyk odyshki kak instrument pervichnoi dypherenciacii legochnoi i serdechnoi patologii [The language of breathlessness as the primary tool of differentiation of lung and heart disease]. Problemy klinicheskoi medyciny [Problems of clinical medicine]. 2013; 30: 86-95.
16. Dronov SV. Mnogomernyi statysticheskii analiz [Multivariate statistical analysis]. Barnaul: ASU [Barnaul: Altai State University]. 2006; 220 p.


UDC 616.24-036.12-07

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).54-59


PUNIN DENIS A., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3424-4540; postgraduate student of the Department of therapy, ultrasound and functional diagnostics of faculty of continuing professional education of Smolensk State Medical University, Russia, 214019, Smolensk, Krupskayа str., 28, e-mail:

MILYAGIN VIKTOR A., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0383-1072; D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of therapy, ultrasound and functional diagnostics of faculty of continuing professional education of Smolensk State Medical University, Russia, 214019, Smolensk, Krupskayа str., 28, e-mail:

IVANOVA MARINA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2388-4174; pulmonologist of the Сenter of respiratory medicine of State Clinical Hospital No 1, Russia, 214006, Smolensk, Frunze str., 40, e-mail:

Abstract. The aim was to study the effect of hyperinflation and the severity grade of obstructive pattern disorders on the patient’s subjective health status and to find the relationship of these parameters with the blood saturation level and smoking history. Material and methods. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were examined using body plethysmography method before and 30 minutes after taking the bronchodilator. Pulse oximetry was performed in all patients and the smoking status was determined. The COPD assessment test (CAT) questionnaire was used to evaluate the severity of dyspnea. According to the level of dyspnea, all patients were divided into 2 groups. Statistical processing was performed using the Mann-Whitney test and the Spearman rank correlation test. Results and discussion.A correlation between obstruction severity grade and bronchial resistance was revealed. In addition, more pronounced symptoms were associated with the reduction in vital capacity, mainly due to a decrease in inspiratory capacity. At the same time, the direct indicator of hyperinflation – functional residual lung capacity – practically did not differ in these groups. A moderate positive correlation was determined between the smoking experience and the severity of symptoms and a moderate negative relationship between the results of the CAT-test. Conclusion. The questionnaire method ofpatient’s health status assessing should be considered as an independent and subjective method, requiring objectification of the obtained data by pulmonary functional diagnostics.

Key words: body plethysmography, spirometry, dyspnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

For reference: Punin DA, Milyagin VA, Ivanova MA. Association between COPD assessment test (CAT) and pulmonary function tests (body plethysmography and spirometry) findings. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 54-59. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).54-59.


1. Hu J, Meek P. Health-related quality of life in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Heart Lung. 2005; 34 (6): 415-422. doi:10.1016/j.hrtlng.2005.03.008
2. Okutan O, Tas D, Demirer E, Kartaloglu Z. Evaluation of quality of life with the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease assessment test in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the effect of dyspnea on disease-specific quality of life in these patients. Yonsei Med J. 2013; 54 (5): 1214–1219. doi:10.3349/ymj.2013.54.5.1214
3. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guideline: Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, management and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2019. 2019;
4. Huang WC, Wu MF, Chen HC, Hsu JY; TOLD Group. Features of COPD patients by comparing CAT with mMRC: a retrospective, cross-sectional study. NPJ Prim Care Respir
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5. Hajiro T, Nishimura K, Tsukino M, Ikeda A, Koyama H, Izumi T. Analysis of Clinical Methods Used to Evaluate Dyspnea in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. AM J Respiratory Critical Care Medicine. 1998;
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7. Mahler DA, Harver A. A Factor Analysis of Dyspnea Ratings, Respiratory Muscle Strength, and Lung Function in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1992; 145 (2 Pt 1): 467-470. doi:10.1164/ajrccm/145.2_Pt_1.467
8. Zhang Y, Tu YH, Fei GH. The COPD assessment test correlates well with the computed tomography measurements in COPD patients in China. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2015; 10: 507–514. doi:10.2147/COPD.S77257
9. Savushkina OI, Chernyak AV. Legochnye funkcional’nye testy: ot teorii k praktike; Rukovodstvo dlya vrachej [Pulmonary function tests: from theory to practice; A guide for doctors]. Moskva: «Firma STROM» Ltd [Moscow: LLC STROM]. 2017; 192 p.
10. O’Donnell DE, Laveneziana P. Dyspnea and Activity Limitation in COPD: Mechanical Factors. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2007; 4 (3): 225-236. doi: 10.1080/15412550701480455
11. Taube C, Lehnigk B, Paasch K, Kirsten DK, Jorres RA, Magnussen H. Factor Analysis of Changes in Dyspnea and Lung Function Parameters after Bronchodilation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000; 162 (1): 216-220. doi:10.1164/ ajrccm.162.1.9909054
12. Marsh S, Guck TP. Anxiety and depression: easing the burden in COPD patients. J Fam Pract. 2016; 65 (4): 246-256.


UDC 614.256.5:616.9(470.313)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).59-65


SMETANIN VIKTOR N., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of epidemiology of Ryazan State Medical University, Russia, 390026, Ryazan, Vysokovoltnaya str., 9, e-mail:

Abstract. The study aimed to identify health care-associated infections (HCAIs) in healthcare workers; to analyze the infection rate and structure of acute and chronic infectious diseases; to determine the structure and number of infectious diseases while provision of medical care. To diagnose the frequency of skin injuries of medical workers contacted with HIV-infected blood recalculated to 100 units of medical instruments. Material and methods. We performed a questionnaire survey of medical workers and epidemiology data analysis in of Ryazan and the Ryazan region. Results and discussion. It was revealed that HCAIs were presented predominantly in pediatricians – 37,6%, and infectionists (5,3%) (surgeons – 42 respondents, gynecologists – 46, pediatricians – 108, infectionists – 56, dentists – 24). Most infections were airborne infections – 83,3%, intestinal infections – 15,6%, and other infections (bites, etc.) – 1,1%. Two health workers (0,72%) (pediatrician and dentist) had tuberculosis; taxoplasmosis was found in one surgeon (0,36%); viral hepatitis in two (0,72%) (infectionist and dentist); skin mycoses in five (1,8%) (surgeon – 3; gynecologist – 2) subjects; HIV infection in one pediatrician (0,36%). In general, 3,9% of respondents had infectious diseases associated with medical care provision. One case of HIV infection after contact with HIV-infected blood was recorded. Conclusion. The conducted research raises the question of the development and empirical verification of the system for improving the working conditions of medical workers, which will be carried out at the next stages of our work.

Key words: infections, medical worker, medical care, infection.

For reference: Smetanin VN. Health care-associated infections in healthcare workers. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 59-65. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).59-65.


1. Polyakov IV. Ocenka sostoyaniya zdorov’ya medicinskih rabotnikov skoroj medicinskoj pomoshchi i vliyayushchih na nego faktorov [Assessment of the health status of emergency medical personnel and factors affecting it]. Problemy social’noj gigieny, zdravoohraneniya i istorii mediciny [Problems of social hygiene, health and medical history]. 2012; 1: 25-28.
2. Amirov NH. Ocenka professional’nogo riska narushenij zdorov’ya medicinskih rabotnikov po rezul’tatam periodicheskogo medicinskogo osmotra [Occupational risk assessment of health disorders of medical workers based on the results of periodic medical examination]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [Bulletin of modern clinical medicine]. 2014; 7 (2): 10-14.
3. Yermolina TA, Martynova NA, Kalinin AG, Krasil’nikov SV. Sostoyanie zdorov’ya medicinskih rabotnikov: obzor literatury [The health status of health workers: a review of the literature]. Vestnik novyh medicinskih tekhnologij [Bulletin of new medical technologies]. 2012; 3: 197-200.
4. Hrapunova IA. Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskij nadzor za vnutribol’nichnymi infekciyami medicinskogo personala [Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Nosocomial Infections of Medical Personnel]. Moskva: TSNII epidemiologii [Moscow: Central Research Institute of Epidemiology]. 2004; 222 p.
5. Medvedeva OV. Sohranenie zdorov’ya srednih medicinskih rabotnikov v usloviyah standartizacii medicinskoj deyatel’nosti [Preserving the health of nurses in the standardization of medical practice]. Problemy standartizacii v zdravoohranenii [Problems of standardization in health care]. 2012; 3/4: 56-58.
6. Maksimov IL. Sostoyanie zdorov’ya vrachej mnogoprofil’noj bol’nicy [The health of doctors of a multidisciplinary hospital]. Zdravoohranenie RF [Healthcare of the Russian Federation]. 2003; 3: 38–39.
7. Faktory bezopasnosti medrabotnikov i laborantov. 2019;
8. Sergeeva IV, Tihonova EP, Andronova NV, Kuz’mina TYu, Zotina GP. Zabolevaemost’ medicinskih rabotnikov infekcionnymi boleznyami,svyazano li eto s professional’noj deyatel’nost’yu [The incidence of health care workers of infectious diseases, whether it is connected with the professional activity]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern problems of science and education]. 2015; 6: view?id=22914
9. Garipova RV. Sovershenstvovanie sistemy monitoringa za sostoyaniem zdorov’ya medicinskih rabotnikov [Improving the system of monitoring the health of medical workers]. Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Kazan Medical Journal]. 2011; 1: 78-82.
10. Kosarev VV. Professional’nye zabolevaniya medicinskih rabotnikov [Occupational diseases of health workers]. Samara: Ofort [Samara: Etching]. 2009; 232 p.
11. Minakov VF. Nekotorye osobennosti truda vrachej [Some features of doctors’ labor]. Trud i zdorov’e medicinskih rabotnikov [Labor and Health of Medical Workers]. 1985; 7–18.
12. Bolekhan VN, et al. Infekcii, svyazannye s okazaniem medicinskoj pomoshchi: sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy [Infections associated with the provision of medical care: the current state of the problem]. Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal [Military Medical Journal]. 2014; 7: 48-50.
13. Babanov SA. Faktory riska zdorov’ya medicinskih rabotnikov [Health risk factors for health workers]. Terapevt [Therapist]. 2010; 8: 18-21.
14. Baks MYa, Luss IYu, Sprudzha DR, et al. Faktory riska zdorov’ya medicinskih rabotnikov [Health risk factors for health workers]. Medicina truda i promyshlennaya ekologiya [Occupational Medicine and Industrial Ecology]. 2002; 3: 28–33.
15. Kosarev VV. Gemokontaktnye infekcii u medicinskih rabotnikov: faktory riska inficirovaniya, diagnostika, profilaktika [Hemocontact infections in health care workers: risk factors for infection, diagnosis, prevention]. Terapevt [Therapist]. 2010; 7: 31-37.
16. Kucenko GI. Psihofiziologicheskie aspekty trudovoj deyatel’nosti vrachej [Psychophysiological aspects of the labor activity of doctors]. Trud i zdorov’e medicinskih rabotnikov [Labor and health of medical workers]. 1985; 55–69.
17. Natarova AA. Ocenka urovnya i faktorov riska professional’noj zabolevaemosti medicinskih rabotnikov [Assessment of the level and risk factors of occupational morbidity of medical workers]. Fundamental’nye issledovaniya [Fundamental research]. 2015; 1 (9): 1873-1874.


UDC 616.65-091.8:616.65-006.6-089.87

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).66-71


SOKOLOV EGOR A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8887-5789; С. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of urology and surgical andrology of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Russia, 125993, Moscow, Barrikadnaya str., 2/1, bld. 1, tel. +7-916-475-11-33, e-mail:

VELIEV EVGENY I., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1249-7224; D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of urology and surgical andrology of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Russia, 125993, Moscow, Barrikadnaya st, 2/1, bld. 1, e-mail:

PAKLINA OXANA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6373-1888; D. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of pathology of S.P. Botkin’s Moscow State Hospital, Russia, 125284, Moscow, 2nd Botkin passage, 5, e-mail:

KNYSHINSKY GRIGORY V., pathologist of the Department of pathology of S.P. Botkin’s Moscow State Hospital, Russia, 125284, Moscow, 2nd Botkin passage, 5, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The main objective of this study was to develop and initially assess the effectiveness of our technique of intraoperative histological frozen-section examination of prostate regions adjacent to neurovascular bundle during nerve-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RP). Material and methods. The prospective study group included prostate cancer (PC) patients with preserved preoperative erectile function who underwent nerve-sparing robot-assisted RP from March to May 2019. The control group comprised patients with PC who underwent nerve-sparing robot-assisted RP without intraoperative histological examination from January to May 2019. The presence of tumor tissue in the stained margin of the resection was determined as a positive surgical margin. For all types of statistical analysis, p<0,05 was taken as a statistical significant threshold. GraphPad Prism 8 software was used for statistical data processing. Results and discussion. The study groups were comparable in terms of the prostate specific antigen level, prostate volume, and body mass index. The median time to complete intraoperative histological examination technique was 26 minutes, while the total operative time was almost equal in both groups. Despite the higher prevalence of extracapsular extension in the study group (30 and 5,5%), there were no positive surgical margins identified using the methodology of intraoperative histological examination, and in all cases the subsequent final histological examination confirmed intraoperative data. At the same time, the positive status of the surgical margins in the case of nerve-sparing RP without intraoperative frozen-section examination were found in 7,41%. Conclusion. An initial assessment of the results of intraoperative histological frozen-section examination of prostate regions adjacent to neurovascular bundle showed a decrease in the frequency of positive surgical margins. This indicates the potential feasibility of further clinical application of the technique. Subsequent analysis will evaluate its effectiveness in relation to cancer outcomes and the recovery of erectile function after surgery.

Key words: prostate cancer; radical prostatectomy; surgical margin; intraoperative histological examination; nerve-sparing technique.

For reference: Sokolov EA, Veliev EI, Paklina OV, Knyshinsky GV. Intraoperative histological frozen-section examination of prostate regions adjacent to neurovascular bundle: initial implementation experience during robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 66-71. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).66-71.


1. Rawla P. Epidemiology of prostate cancer. World J Oncol. 2019; 10 (2): 63-89.
2. Bekelman JE, Rumble RB, Chen RC, et al. Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: ASCO Clinical Practice Guideline Endorsement of an American Urological Association/
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3. Shpot EV, Chinenov DV, Amosov AV, et al. Erektilnaya disfunktsiya, associirovannaya s radikalnoi prostatektomiei: celesoobraznost I sposobi sohraneniya potencii [Erectile dysfunction associated with radical prostatectomy: appropriateness and methods to preserve potency]. Urologiia. 2018; 2: 75-82.
4. Mottet N, Bellmunt J, Bolla M, et al. EAU-ESTRO-SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. Part 1: Screening, Diagnosis, and Local Treatment with Curative Intent. Eur Urol. 2017; 71 (4): 618-629.
5. Nguyen LN, Head L, Witiuk K, et al. The Risks and Benefits of Cavernous Neurovascular Bundle Sparing during Radical Prostatectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Urol. 2017; 198 (4): 760-769.
6. Schiavina R, Bianchi L, Borghesi M, et al. MRI Displays the Prostatic Cancer Anatomy and Improves the Bundles Management Before Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy. J Endourol. 2018; 32 (4): 315-321.
7. Schlomm T, Tennstedt P, Huxhold C, et al. Neurovascular structure-adjacent frozen-section examination (Neuro-SAFE) increases nerve-sparing frequency and reduces positive surgical margins in open and robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: experience after 11,069 consecutive patients. Eur Urol. 2012; 62 (2): 333-340.
8. Beyer B, Schlomm T, Tennstedt P, et al. A feasible and time-efficient adaptation of NeuroSAFE for da Vinci robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol. 2014; 66 (1): 138-144.
9. Walz J, Epstein JI, Ganzer R, et al. A critical analysis of the current knowledge of surgical anatomy related to optimization of cancer control and preservation of continence and erection in candidates for radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol. 2016; 70 (2): 301-311.
10. Medvedev AV, Kogan MI, Medvedeva LA. Intraoperacionnaya immunomorfologicheskaya ocenka hirurgicheskih kraev rezekcii pri radikalnoi prostatektomii po povodu raka predstatelnoi zhelezi [Intraoperative immunomorphological estimation of surgical resection margins at radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer]. Onkourologiya [Oncourology]. 2001; 2: 60-64.
11. Keller EX, Bachofner J, Britschgi AJ, et al. Prognostic value of unifocal and multifocal positive surgical margins in a large series of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. World J Urol. 2019; 37 (9): 1837–1844. DOI: 10.1007/s00345-018-2578-y
12. Sighinolfi MC, Sandri M, Torricelli P, et al. External validation of a novel side-specific, multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging-based nomogram for the prediction of extracapsular extension of prostate cancer: preliminary outcomes on a series diagnosed with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging-targeted plus systematic saturation biopsy. BJU Int. 2019; 124 (2): 192-194.
13. Preiser F, Theissen L, Wild P, et al. Implementation of intraoperative frozen section during radical prostatectomy: short-term results from a German tertiary-care center. Eur Urol Focus. 2019; . DOI: 10.1016/j.euf.2019.03.007
14. Panarello D, Compérat E, Seyde O, et al. Atlas of Ex Vivo Prostate Tissue and Cancer Images Using Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy: A Project for Intraoperative Positive Surgical Margin Detection During Radical Prostatectomy. Eur Urol Focus. 2019; . DOI: 10.1016/j.euf.2019.01.004


UDC 616-002-031.81-074

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).72-76


KHALIMOV EDUARD V., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general surgery of Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Russia, 426034, Izhevsk, Kommunar str., 231

MIKHAILOV ALEXANDER YU., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of general surgery of Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Russia, 426034, Izhevsk, Kommunar str., 231

ZHUIKOVA ALINA A., student of group 318 of the Department of general medicine of Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Russia, 426034, Izhevsk, Kommunar str., 231

DAVTYAN MARAT B., student of group 321 of the Department of general medicine of Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Russia, 426034, Izhevsk, Kommunar str., 231, tel. +7(919)912-24-49, e-mail:

Abstract. The aim of the study was to study the plasma level of non-cleaved native fibronectin (PNNF) in surgical patients with systemic inflammatory reaction (SIR). Materials and methods. The analysis of clinical and laboratory data of patients treated in the Department of purulent surgery of City clinical hospital No 6 in 2016 was performed. Patients were divided into 2 groups: the main group with SIR and the comparison group with trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, without the phenomen of toxemia. The dynamics and compliance of PNNF with clinical and laboratory symptoms of SIR, hematological leukocyte indices (HLI) in the treatment of both groups were analyzed. Results and discussion. The main group of patients had pronounced signs of SIR: leukocytosis, LII to 4,0, shift of HLI towards the indicators of inflammatory changes, fever. All patients of the main group showed a decrease in PNNF from (53,5±17,2) μg/ml to (29,5±9,4) μg/ml. With a decrease in clinical and laboratory parameters of SIR, positive dynamics of HLI, in the main group, an increase in PNNF to (55,8±13,5) μg/ml was noted. There were no changes in PNNF in the comparison group during the treatment. Conclusion. Surgical diseases with signs of SIR have the diminishing of PNNF level. When improving the condition of patients, clinical and laboratory parameters, HLI increases the content of PNNF. The study of the level of PNNF can be a reliable and affordable diagnostic marker of septicemic condition.

Key words: plasma native fibronectin, marker, systemic inflammatory reaction.

For reference: Khalimov EV, Mikhailov AYu, Zhuikova AA, Davtyan MB. Method of laboratory diagnostics of systemic inflammatory reaction. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 72-76. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).72-76.


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UDC 616.12-005.4-085.849.19(048.8)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).77-82


ABDRAKHMANOVA ALSU I., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0769-3682; SCOPUS Author ID: 57192296744; C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of clinical medicine fundamental basis of the Institute of biology and fundamental medicine of Kazan Federal University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Karl Marx str., 74, e-mail:

AMIROV NAIL B., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0009-9103; SCOPUS Author ID: 7005357664; D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To analyze the latest publications of laser radiation in coronary heart disease treatment. Material and methods. Recent publications in scientific and medical literature devoted to the use of laser radiation in the treatment of coronary heart disease were reviewed. Results and discussion. Standard drug therapy for coronary heart disease, is characterized by the presence of adverse effects, allergic reactions, lack of symptoms control and quality of life decrease, and drug resistance. For this reason, the attention of researchers is attracted by laser therapy. The effectiveness of laser radiation has been confirmed in a number of clinical trials, with a high level of evidence. Indications for laser therapy are: stable angina II–III functional classes; unstable angina pectoris; myocardial infarction; chronic heart failure, a combination of coronary heart disease with hypertension; refractoriness to antianginal drugs. Conclusion. Inclusion in the combine treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease laser therapy effectively, significantly optimizes traditional treatment, which determines the appropriateness of its use in the treatment of these patients.

Key words: laser radiation, ischemic heart disease.

For reference: Abdrakhmanova AI, Amirov NB. Laser therapy in ischemic heart disease treatment. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 77-82. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).77-82.


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UDC 614.2(470.57):616-057.36-082

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).83-88


NAUSHIRVANOV OLEG R., Head of Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the RB, Russia, 450015, Ufa, K. Marx str., 59

NIGMATULLIN RUSTEM KH., C. Med. Sci., deputy Head of Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the RB, Russia, 450015, Ufa, K. Marx str., 59

FAZLYEV MARAT M., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of Hospital Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the RB, Russia, 450015, Ufa, K. Marx str., 59

KUTUEV ZEMFIR Z., C. Med. Sci., deputy Head of Hospital Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the RB, Russia, 450015, Ufa, K. Marx str., 59

KHALIKOV RUSTAM A., deputy Head, Head of the Department of emergency medical care of Hospital Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the RB, Russia, 450015, Ufa, K. Marx str., 59

BULATOVA GUZEL R., C. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of admission of Hospital Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the RB, Russia, 450015, Ufa, K. Marx str., 59

Abstract. Aim – analysis and control of quality of medical care in the hospital of Federal state healthcare institution «Medical sanitary unit of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on RB». Material and methods. Analysis of the institution carried out a survey on based on the results of internal and external quality control audits, as well as the ability of patients to express their opinion about quality in hospital medical care, taking part in the survey on the website of the MOH of the Russian Federation or on the official website of Federal state healthcare institution «Medical unit of the interior Ministry of Russia in Republic of Bashkortostan». Results and discussion. Analysis of the quality control system of treatment, both internal and external departmental, showed high efficiency of the treatment. In addition systematically, monthly, we conducted a survey of patients on their satisfaction with the quality of medical care in the hospital. An additional task of the surveys was to identify factors that reduce patient satisfaction with medical care and are an objective basis for the development and implementation of the necessary corrective measures. The results of the analysis provided the basis for the development of measures to improve the management of the hospital on the quality of care. Conclusion.The quality of care and safety of medical activities in Federal state healthcare institution «Medical unit of the interior Ministry of Russia in Republic of Bashkortostan» on the results of internal quality control, as well as on the results of inspections by insurance companies of the Russian Federation, TFOMS, Roszdravnadzor RB is fair.

Key words: analysis and quality control of medical care, territorial Fund of compulsory medical insurance, quality of medical care.

For reference: Naushirvanov OR, Nigmatullin RKh, Fazlyev MM, Kutuev ZZ, Khalikov RA, Bulatova GR. Organization of the system of ensuring and evaluating the quality of medical care under the internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities in Federal State Healthcare Institution «Medical sanitary unit of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan». The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 83-88. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).83-88.


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UDC 614.25:349.2(470+571)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).88-95


SHIPOVA VALENTINA M., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8957-921X; D. Med. Sci., Head researcher of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, Russia, 105064, Moscow

BERSENEVA EVGENIYA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3481-6190; SCOPUS Author ID 55554758300; D. Med. Sci., Head of the Center of higher and complimentary professional training Federal Scientific State Budgetary Institution «N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health», Russia 105064, Moscow, tel. +7(916)216-84-59, e-mail:

KIRILLOV KIRILL V., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1838-5386; postqraduate student of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, Russia, Moscow, tel. +7(967)(039)33-13, e-mail:

KUDENTSOVA EVGENIYA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3828-7425; postqraduate student of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, Russia, Moscow, tel. +7(985)172-48-22, e-mail:

Abstract. Labour standards are used in drawing up the staff table of medical organizations, determining the burden of medical workers, economic analysis of their activities, in pricing. These documents contain a lot of wealth in terms of labour standards, which are both editorial and meaningful. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness and constructivity of the existing orders regulating the staffing table. Material and methods. The relevance, adequacy of regulatory documentation for the work of various medical institutions was assessed. Results and their discussion. The publication presents an analysis of the modern legal framework on work, shows systemic erroneous provisions. The systemic erroneous provisions of these legal instruments can be grouped as follows: unjustified changes in the presentation of labour standards; Violation of the nomenclature of medical organizations, specialties and positions of medical workers, knee fund; Erroneous number of posts to ensure 24-hour work; Unwarranted introduction of new indicators for labour standards; Lack of normative support of a number of LCP divisions, individual positions; Inconsistency of labour standards values in different, simultaneously operating documents; The uncertainty of the population and its population; Absence of differentiation of labour standards by types of medical organizations. It was concluded that the documents should be revised and the main directions for improving the system of labour standards in health care were identified. Conclusions. Labour standards contained in the Orders on Medical Care Procedures should be revised. The basis for the revision is the erroneous provisions of these documents, which have reached a critical mass, as well as the recommendations of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation on the revision of standard sectoral labour standards every 5 years from the date of their approval.

Key words: labor standards, procedures for providing medical care, erroneous provisions of regulatory documents on labor.

For reference: Shipova VM, Berseneva EA, Kirillov KV, Kudentsova EA. Modern legal framework for labor: analysis and perspectives. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 88-95. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).88-95.


 1. Habriev RU, SHipova VM, Gadzhieva SM. Kommentarii k normam truda v zdravoohranenii [Comments on labor standards in healthcare]. Moskva: GEOTAR-Media [Moscow: GEOTAR-Media]. 2017; 144 p.
2. Shipova VM, Habriev RU, ed. Organizaciya i tekhnologiya normirovaniya truda v zdravoohranenii [Organization and technology of labor standards in healthcare]. Moskva: GEOTAR-Media [Moscow: GEOTAR-Media]. 2018; 320 p.
3. Habriev RU, Shipova VM, Berseneva ЕA. Kommentarii k normam truda v zdravoohranenii; Novye prikazy – starye problem [Comments on labor standards in healthcare; New orders, old problems]. Moskva: GEOTAR-Media [Moscow: GEOTAR-Media]. 2019; 144 p.
4. Pis’mo Minzdrava Rossii, FFOMS ot 21/11/2018 No 117/10/2-7543, 14525/26-1i «O metodicheskih rekomendaciyah po sposobam oplaty medicinskoj pomoshchi za schet sredstv obyazatel’nogo medicinskogo strahovaniya» [Letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia, FFOMS dated 11/21/2018 No. 11-7 / 10 / 2-7543, 14525 / 26-1i “On Methodological Recommendations on Methods of Paying for Medical Care at the Cost of Mandatory Medical Insurance”]. 2018.
5. Prikaz Minzdrava Rossii ot 16/10/2016 No 708 «O priznanii ne dejstvuyushchimi na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii prikazov Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya SSSR i priznanii utrativshim silu prikaza Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya RSFSR ot 4 yanvarya 1988 No 2 «O sostoyanii i perspektivah razvitiya patologoanatomicheskoj sluzhby v RSFSR» [The order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 10.16.2016 No 708 «On the recognition of the orders of the USSR Ministry of Health and the invalidation of the order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR of January 4, 1988 No 2 «On the status and prospects of the development of the pathoanatomical service in the RSFSR»]. 2016.
6. Prikaz Ministerstva truda i social’noj zashchity Rossijskoj Federacii ot 31/05/2012 No 235 «Ob utverzhdenii metodicheskih rekomendacij dlya federal’nyh organov ispolnitel’noj vlasti po razrabotke tipovyh otraslevyh norm truda» [Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation from 31.05. 2012 No. 235 “On approval of guidelines for federal executive bodies on the development of model industry labor standards”]. 2012.



UDC 616.248-

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).96-100


FEDOTOV VASILIY D., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of hospital therapy and general medical practice of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin
and Pozharsky sq., 10/1; senior research fellow of Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of hygiene and occupational pathology, Russia, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Semashko str., 20, e-mail:

MILYUTINA MARINA YU., assistant of professor of the Department of propaedeutics of internal diseases of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky sq., 10/1; junior research fellow of Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of hygiene and occupational pathology, Russia, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Semashko str., 20

RAEVA TATYANA S., student of the Departmen of medical of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University», Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin
and Pozharsky sq., 10/1

KLYUSHINA EKATERINA A., student of the Departmen of medical of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky sq., 10/1

NIKOLAEV DENIS V., student of the Departmen of medical of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky sq., 10/1

SHMONIN DMITRY O., student of the Departmen of medical of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky sq., 10/1

KOVALENKO VIKTORYA E., student of the Departmen of medical of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky sq., 10/1

KALININA ALEXANDRA A., student of the Departmen of medical of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky sq., 10/1

Abstract. The aim of the study was to evaluate the inhalation technique of patients with uncontrolled asthma after teaching and controlling the correct use of inhalation devices and to improve the effectiveness of bronchial asthma therapy in the region. Material and methods. Patients asthma exacerbation were included, a total of 73 people (28 men and 45 women), aged (59,5±11,0) years. The ACT questionnaire was used to evaluate asthma control. Patients were interviewed about what inhalers they use, in what dose they use basic therapy and how many times per day they use short-acting β2-agonists. Results and discussion. Demonstrated, that every tenth patient does not receive basic therapy for bronchial asthma. About 15% of patients were not trained in the use of inhalers. Every third patient reported that their inhaler technique had not been checked during their admission. Conclusion. The study showed that the training and control of inhalation techniques in patients with acute bronchial asthma are not effective enough. Most patients prefer the use of short-acting β2-agonists instead of basic therapy dose escalation.

Key words: bronchial asthma, inhalation technique, bronchial asthma control.

For reference: Fedotov VD, Milyutina MYu, Raeva TS, Klyushina EA, Nikolaev DV, Shmonin DO, Kovalenko VE, Kalinina AA. Evaluating the technique of using inhalation device in Bronchial Asthma patients. The experience of Nizhny Novgorod region. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 96-100. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).96-100.


1. Vos T, Flaxman AD, Naghavi M, et al. Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet. 2012; 380: 2163–2196.
2. Global Initiative for Asthma. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention (Updated 2018). 2018; http://
3. Price D, Fletcher M, van der Molen T. Asthma control and management in 8,000 European patients: the REcognise Asthma and LInk to Symptoms and Experience (REALISE) survey. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2014; 24: 14009.
4. Arhipov VV, Grigor’eva EV, Gavrishina EV. Kontrol’ nad bronhial’noj astmoj v Rossii: rezul’taty mnogocentrovogo nablyudatel’nogo issledovaniya NIKA [Asthma control in Russia: results of multicenter observational study NIKA]. Pul’monologiya [Pulmonology]. 2011; 6: 87-93.
5. Olaguibel JM, Quirce S, Julia B, et al. Measurement of asthma control according to Global Initiative for Asthma guidelines: a comparison with the Asthma Control Questionnaire. Respir Res. 2012; 13: 50.
6. Bateman ED, Hurd SS, Barnes PJ, et al. Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: GINA executive summary. Eur Respir J. 2008; 31: 143-178.
7. Partridge MR, Molen T, Myrseth SE, Busse WW. Attitudes and actions of asthma patients on regular maintenance therapy: the INSPIRE study. BMC Pulm Med. 2006; 6: 13.
8. Rabe KF, Vermeire PA, Soriano JB, Maier WC. Clinical management of asthma in 1999: the Asthma Insights and Reality in Europe. Eur Respir J. 2000; 16: 802–807.
9. Fong PM, Sinclair DE. Inhalation devices for asthma. Choosing the right one could make all the difference. Can Fam Physician. 1993; 39: 2377–2382.
10. Bjermer L. The importance of continuity in inhaler device choice for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration. 2014; 88 (4): 346-352.
11. Vizel’ AA, Salahova IN, Vizel’ IYu, Vafina AR, Shakirova GR, Kudryavceva EZ. Bol’nye hronicheskoj obstruktivnoj bolezn’yu legkih: analiz real’noj klinicheskoj praktiki [Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: analysis of real clinical practice]. Consilium medicum. 2018; 20 (3): 35-39.
12. Ludwikowski R, Płusa T, Bijos P. Rating criteria for selection of an inhaler and instructing its use in patients with asthma and COPD. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2016; 41 (246): 279-282.
13. Leshchenko IV. Pharmacy reimbursement and pharmacoeconomic aspects of therapy of bronchial asthma. Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. 2018; 6 (1): 21-25.
14. Bjermer L. The importance of continuity in inhaler device choice for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration. 2014; 88 (4): 346-352.



UDC 616.441-006.6-033.2:616.24

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).101-104


IDIATULLIN RAVIL M., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0645-7864; postqraduate student of Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Russia, 426034, Izhevsk, Kommunar str., 281, e-mail:

STYAZHKINA SVETLANA N., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of faculty surgery of Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Russia, 426034, Izhevsk, Kommunar str., 281

Abstract. Thyroid cancer (thyroid gland) is the most common malignant tumor of the endocrine system. In the structure of all malignant tumors, thyroid cancer accounts for approximately 3%. The annual incidence of thyroid cancer in the world is estimated to be 0,8–9,4 and 0,6–2,6 cases per 100 thousand population for women and men respectfully. The incidence of thyroid cancer as the most common endocrine malignancy has been increasing constantly in Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to present a case of lung metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma with absence of metastases in regional lymph nodes. Material and methods. Patient was admitted to Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary named after Sergey Primushko in Izhevsk. Primary medical documentation was studied: outpatient card, inpatient case history, operation protocols, laboratory, instrumental and histological findings. Results and discussion. This clinical example demonstrates a rare case of aggressive course of papillary thyroid cancer, with metastatic lung lesions, but no metastases in regional lymph nodes. Conclusion. It is necessary to study and introduce into clinical practice molecular genetics and histological markers to predict such cases of the course of papillary thyroid cancer.

Key words: thyroid cancer, metastatic lesion, clinical case.

For reference: Idiatullin RM, Styazhkina SN. Lung metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma with absence of metastases in regional lymph nodes. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 101-104. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).101-104.


1. Bershtein LM. Rak shchitovidnoj zhelezy: epidemiologiya, endokrinologiya, faktory i mekhanizmy kancerogeneza [Thyroid cancer: epidemiology, endocrinology, factors and mechanisms of carcinogenesis]. Practicheskaja onkologija [Practical oncology]. 2007; 8 (1): 1-8.
2. Rumyantsev PO, Ilyin AA, Rumyantseva UV, Saenko VA. Rak shchitovidnoj zhelezy; Sovremennye podhody k diagnostike i lecheniyu [Thyroid cancer; Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment]. Moskva: Geotar-Media [Moscow: Geotar-Media]. 2009; 448 p.
3. Mikhnin AE. Rak shchitovidnoj zhelezy: diagnostika, klassifikaciya, stadirovanie [Cancer of the thyroid gland: diagnosis, classification, staging]. Practicheskaja onkologija [Practical oncology]. 2007; 8 (1): 17-18.
4. Kaprina AD, Starinsky VV, Petrova GV, ed. Zlokachestvennye novoobrazovaniya v Rossii v 2017 godu [Malignant neoplasms in Russia in 2017]. MNIOI imeni PA Gercena filial FGBU «NMIC radiologii» Minzdrava Rossii [MNIOI them PA Herzen branch of the Federal Research Center of Radiology Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia]. 2018; 250 p.
5. Valdina EA. Zabolevaniya shchitovidnoj zhelezy: Rukovodstvo [Diseases of the thyroid gland: Leadership]. SPb: Peter [St Petersburg: Peter]. 2005; 368 p.
6. Styazhkina SN, Chernyshova TE, Idiatullin RM, Akimov AA, Valinurov AA, Varenik EYu. Klinicheskij sluchaj oslozhneniya pri tireoidektomii po povodu raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy [Clinical case of complication with thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer]. Zdorov’e i obrazovanie v XXI veke [Health and Education Millennium]. 2018; 20 (4): 124-127.
7. Zarivchatsky MF, Styazhkina SN, Chernyshov IE. Izbrannye stranicy hirurgicheskoj tireoidologii: monografija [Selected pages of surgical thyroidology: monograph]. Izhevsk. 2011; 42 p.
8. Popova YuV, Romanchishen AF. Posleoperacionnye oslozhneniya v hirurgii shchitovidnoj zhelezy [Postoperative complications in thyroid surgery]. Materialy 15 Rossijskogo simpoziuma po hirurgicheskoj endokrinologii [Materials of the 15th Russian Symposium on Surgical Endocrinology]. 2005; 265-269.
9. Denisova LB, Vorontsova SV, Yaurova NV. Vozmozhnosti novyh luchevyh tekhnologij (UZI, KT, MRT) v diagnostike endokrinnoj patologii [Possibilities of new radiation technologies (ultrasound, CT, MRI) in the diagnosis of endocrine pathology]. 0Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii [Herald of radiology and radiology]. 2006; 1: 29–43.
10. Serov AS, Popova NA, Zhogova LN. Znachenie tonkoigol’noj aspiracionnoj punkcionnoj biopsii pod kontrolem UZI v diagnostike ochagovyh obrazovanij shchitovidnoj zhelezy [The value of fine-needle aspiration puncture biopsy under the control of ultrasound in the diagnosis of focal lesions of the thyroid gland]. Lipeck: Materialy XXI mezhregionalnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii [Lipetsk: Materials of the XXI interregional scientific and practical conference]. 2008; 158–160.
11. Kononenko SN. Rannyaya diagnostika i differencirovannoe lechenie raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy [Early diagnosis and differential treatment of thyroid cancer]. Hirurgiya [Surgery]. 2000; 3: 38–41.


UDC 616.11-002-02:616-073.75

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2019.12(6).104-107


CHEPURNENKO SVETLANA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3834-4699; D. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of general practice (family medicine) with courses of geriatrics and physiotherapy
of Rostov State Medical University, Russia, 344022, Rostov-on-Don, Nakhichevan lane, 29; cardiologist of the Department of cardiology outpatient of Cardiosurgery Center Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital, Russia, 344015, Rostov-on-Don, Blagodatnaya str., 170, tel. 8(918)507-28-93, e-mail:

SHAVKUTA GALINA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4160-8154; D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general practice (family medicine) with courses of geriatrics and physiotherapy of Rostov State Medical University, Russia, 344022, Rostov-on-Don, Nakhichevan lane, 29

BULGAKOVA NATALIA M., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6638-3698; C. Med. Sci., сardiologist of the Department of сardiology outpatient Cardiosurgery Center of Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital, Russia, 344015, Rostov-on-Don, Blagodatnaya str., 170

NASYTKO ALINA D., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6341-6749; laboratory assistant of the Department of general medical practice (family medicine) of Rostov State Medical University, Russia, 344022, Rostov-on-Don, Nakhichevan lane, 29, tel. 8(960)442-49-98, e-mail:

Abstract. Radiation therapy is a very important part of combine therapy for many cancers, improving survival, but also have well-known side effects. Aim. We present a clinical case of radiation-induced heart disease – exudative pericarditis after diagnostic radiation exposure. Material and methods. The article discusses the development of acute pericarditis in a patient underwent surgery for ovarian cancer stage 3, clinical group 2, T3 N0 M0. Results and discussion. After the surgery, the patient received 6 courses of chemotherapy with carboplatin 600 mg, paclitaxel 300 mg during the maintenance therapy: chloropyramine, latran, dexamethasone, quamel. In order to search for possible metastases for 6 months, the patient underwent 3 spiral chest computed tomographies (CT), 2 spiral abdominal and pelvical CTs, and whole-body position-emission computed tomography (PET-CT). The total radiation exposure was 75,9 mSv. Hypothyroidism, systemic diseases, nephrotic syndrome were excluded with the help of additional studies. This allowed us to suggest radiation genesis of pericardial effusion. As a result of treatment with ibuprofen 600 mg every 8 hours with colchicine at a dose of 0,5 mg 2 times a day with a 20 mg of pantoprazole once daily after 1 month of treatment, exudative pericarditis resolved. Conclusion. It is necessary to evaluate the total dose of radiation received earlier to prevent radiation-induced damage. It is necessary to use the most informative research methods to avoid repeated spiral CT.

Key words: radiation pericardial effusion, spiral computed tomography, total radiation dose, colchicine, ibuprofen.

For reference: Chepurnenko SA, Shavkuta GV, Bulgakova NM, Nasytko AD. Radiation-induced pericarditis after diagnostic radiation exposure. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2019; 12 (6): 104-107. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2019.12(6).104-107.


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